What is An Animation Pipeline?


The Animation industry loves to talk about “PIPELINES”. Which is essentially an edgy name for the sequence of phases in progressing a film or video or movie or clip or GIF from an idea to reality.

Most pipelines progress like this.



With the outline of your project as the foundation, I construct a concept that serves the narrative aims, emotional arch and desired outcomes of your project.Sourcing relevant references, testing potential styles and experimenting with to how to make it all move.



Not all projects need a script, but if they do, I can assist you to develop one that connects with your audience.Keeping in mind at the end of the day, animation is a visual medium. Where it’s best to show rather than tell.



Once we’ve approved the concept and narrative. I’ll develop a storyboard. Which is a functional document featuring sequential boxes of rough drawings. That quickly workshop how the visuals could appear on screen and how we’ll move from shot to shot.Storyboards are easily editable and an integral tool in the overall production. A thoughtful storyboard can save a lot of time down the line.



Narration or dialogue is only as good as the voice speaking it. For projects that need voice overs I can facilitate casting, directing, recording and editing.



Taking key shots from the story board, I’ll develop a series of Style Frames. Which are still shots used to showcase how the final art style will look. Where necessary I will also design characters or key props.



Sound and Music are the back bone of Animation timing. But even more crucial for the emotional arch of the story. When it comes to custom soundscapes, music and effects I employ the capable hands of producer and composer Seth Geryon Suda.



Okay, this is where everything really starts to come to life. Slowly but surely I’ll create finished assets using the storyboards and style frames as a guide. I’ll then bring them into the time line with voice -overs and music to composite everything together on-screen.


Sound Design:

Working closely with Seth Geryon Suda, we’ll craft sound effects and audio mixing to help the whole thing sound polished through any speakers.



Once everything on screen has been signed off for delivery. I’ll create master versions of the project. Preparing the files to the required specifications and supplying you with exactly what you need.


Jules Of Wisdom

Most productions don’t run smoothly through a pipeline, they take a few steps back now and then in order to move forward in the right direction. Some productions can ever skip phases all together depending on the output. Make up your own pipeline that suits your project - but just keep going.


An Enviable Life


Animation Jargon 101: